6 decisions you will never regret


We have a lot of decisions to make in our lives:

  • Where to live,
  • what job to pursue,
  • what flavor coffee to drink.

Some are obviously more serious than others, but regardless of the frivolity of some choices, we still are constantly making selections on a daily basis. And when we’re unsure, it’s hard to feel confident that we’ve made the right one.

Research suggests that when we’re always making decisions, we may suffer from what is known as decision fatigue, the New York Times reported in 2011. The more decisions you make throughout the day, the more mentally exhausted your brain becomes.

However, there are some choices that are just simply worth it.

Choosing to be happy.

Lately I feel I have been walking around PRETENDING to be happy. I’ve just had a lot going on. I  spend countless hours in the pursuit of happiness, whether it’s…

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